Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My New Hobby

I have starting teaching myself how to crochet. It is really challenging for me and I don't really have anyone to show me what to do. I have a couple of books and you tube videos that are helping but I am not the most coordinated person. I end up with knots, and kinks, and loops, and everything I am trying to avoid. I do a couple of stitches and then rip it all out. I start over more than I would like to admit.

Today I completed my first real project! I made a rug for my bathroom. It is just a simple Double Crochet but I used three yarns at the same time. I love the way it turned out.

I am really enjoying learning how to crochet. I just need to learn how to keep the boys from 'helping' me! I am tired of rolling up my yarn after they stretch it all over the house.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tackle Football

and Dallas do not belong in the same sentence. I know I am just being a Mom but he is so small. Well, he is small until he puts on all the pads and his helmet. He ages five years in the time it takes him to get dressed. How can a game that requires so much safety gear be fun?

Time to stop being a scared Mom - He loves it. David and our friend Evan are coaching Dallas' team this year - The RedSkins. We have mostly third graders while the other teams have mostly fourth graders. It does not seem fair to me but I guess that is the way city sports are done.

Huddle time- Alex (in red) thinks he is as big as the players. He really wants to play football with them and they are wonderful with him. He gets to tackle and push them through out the practices.

It's not the best picture - David and Dallas practicing 'pushing'.

Dallas in White.

Crazy Life

I feel like every time I mark one thing off the To Do List, I end up adding five more. I am running in circles and can not get off this crazy ride. David was in the hospital, Dallas is playing Tackle Football, and Alex is being a normal two year old. All I want is five minutes without hearing "MOM!"

Since I am so far behind on my blog I thought I would start with a few short updates. My front flower bed looks nothing like it did in April.

I have tried to keep the Sweet Potato Vine in check. I only planted two small starts in June but you can not tell it when you look at the flower bed. I need to dig them up sometime this week. Just one more thing on my To Do List!